
Canadian Foreign Policy

Fall/Winter 2018/19, University of Toronto
Professor John Kirton and Michael Kunz
Teaching Assistant: Jason VandenBeukel
POL 312Y

Lecture notes from 2017/18
Lecture 6: Capabilities and Behaviour
Lecture 10: The Chrétien Martin Years
Lecture 11: The Harper Years
Lecture 12: Justin Trudeau

Lecture Notes from September 13, 2016 (first class for the 2016/17 semester)

Lecture Notes and Case Study Bibliographies (from 2009/10)

Syllabus and reading list

First-Term Test: December 4, 2018 (25% of final grade) (written during class time)

Research Essay: 2,500-3,000 words plus bibliography and references, handed in both on paper and electronically on Turnitin.com (or with alternative arrangements/see below for Turnitin details), due on February 26, 2019 (at start of the first class after Reading Week) (for 50% of the final grade)

Sample Essay: The Canada-EU Comprehensive Economic and Trade Agreement: What Did Canada Do and Why?
By Alissa Wang, February 2016

Final Test: (covering material from the entire course) on April 2, 2019 (the last class of second term) (for 25% of the final grade)

Turnitin Details: Class ID = 18859715; Enrollment password = petrudeau

Late Penalty: The late penalty is 2% of the assignment grade per calendar day, including weekends (without eligible cause, as approved by the instructor or TA in advance). See syllabus for details.