Canadian Foreign Policy

John Kirton, University of Toronto

This website is intended to provide students, scholars, researchers and professionals working on Canadian foreign policy with core data, analysis and research results for their central tasks of description and explanations, as a foundation for the theory building, predication and policy prescription in which some may wish to engage. It seeks to collect, in one conveniently accessible place, the basic building blocks of this scholarly vocation, such as bibliographies, data sets, and academic research papers and publications. It starts with material assembled by Professor John Kirton over the past four decades and now underway for researching and teaching Canadian foreign policy in the context of political science and international relations, and welcomes links to a broader array of relevant material contributed by those working in other disciplines and professional fields.

New findings will be posted regularly, so check our Research page regularly.

The Canada 150 Project:
150 Years of Canada's Global Contributions

As Canada commemorates the 150th anniversary of its confederation in 1867, the Canada 150 Project charts and considers the country's global contributions, especially in shaping world order through innovative international institutions and ideas. See more …

Recommended Reading

G7 Canada: The 2018 Charlevoix Summit, edited by John Kirton and Madeline Koch … Canada 150: 150 Years of Canada's Global Contribution is available here! … Canada 150 : une contribution mondiale qui dure depuis 150 ans est disponible ici … Roland Paris and John Hannaford have compiled a comphrensive reading list for the class they teach at the University of Ottawa. For the full reading list, click here …  For a bibliography of writings on Arctic sovereignty, click here …  And for readings on the Responsibility to Protect click here …

Canada Is Number One …

Canada has ranked top among its G20 partners on the World Happiness Report 2016 Update — again. See more …

New Year's Message
Prime Minister Justin Trudeau

New Year's Message
from Queen Elizabeth II

New Year's Message from
Governor General David Johnston